Why Are Good Personality Tests So Hard to Find?

animated image of people trying to find a good personality test

Image generated by Leonardo.ai

Introduction: Where are the Good Personality Tests?

Are you feeling stuck in your current career path? Do you find yourself yearning for something more fulfilling, something that aligns with your true passions? If these questions have been bothering you, you’re not alone. Many individuals struggle to find a career that brings them happiness and satisfaction. While there are assessments available that can guide you toward your ideal career, they all have their shortcomings. So, why aren’t there any good personality tests as it relates to careers?

Existing Assessments: Finding Your Career Fit

Traditionally, popular assessments like Myers-Briggs and Enneagram have been used to assess personality traits and provide some guidance on career choices. But, are they good personality tests? While they offer valuable insights, they often fall short when it comes to addressing specific happiness factors in different careers. They tend to focus more on what you can do based on your skills, rather than what will truly bring you joy. And in my experience, they cater only to certain aspects of the business world, while leaving others out (like creatives).

Ayurveda and Doshas: A New Perspective

An alternative approach to self-discovery lies in the ancient Indian system of Ayurveda and its concept of Doshas. Ayurveda recognizes three primary doshas, or mind-body types: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each dosha is associated with specific personality traits and physical characteristics. Pure opinion, but I think by understanding how your doshas are balanced, you could gain valuable insights into what career paths may work for you and which ones won’t.

Check out this video from one of my favorite YouTube Channels, Healthy Gamer GG. They focus on mental health in general, but within, there’s a specific catering to gamers. If you struggle with things like videogame addiction, ADHD, depression, dating, being able to find a job, or anything really, check them out.

The Importance of Knowing Yourself in Career Decisions

While it’s true that personal freedom plays a vital role in career decisions, understanding yourself is equally crucial. In a world where half the population would walk away from their current careers given the option, self-awareness becomes a necessity. Many individuals, including myself, lack a deep understanding of themselves and their true passions. By embarking on a journey of self-discovery, we can ideally find careers that better align with our core values and aspirations.

The Quest for an Effective Career Assessment Platform

So, is there service that can provide comprehensive career assessments with a focus on happiness and personal fulfillment? If such a platform exists, please share, because I haven’t found it. However, if it hasn’t been created yet, let’s explore the potential of developing one. Similar to online dating, maybe we could harness the power of algorithms and data analysis to match individuals with their ideal careers. We’d also need to analyze past failures and identify the flaws in existing systems. By addressing these issues, creating a comprehensive career assessment solution could become possible.


The search for an ideal career is a deeply personal and important endeavor. Most of us are leveraged to work after all. By utilizing existing assessments and even exploring alternative perspectives, we can gain valuable insights into ourselves and make more informed career decisions. Additionally, by recognizing the need for a comprehensive career assessment platform, we can work towards creating one that truly addresses the desire for happiness and fulfillment in our professional lives.

Personally I believe the only way to get us to true freedom, is automation. Check out this post to see how I think automation could restructure society.

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